Tag: Snow removal

3 Tips for Effective Snow Removal

3 Tips for Effective Snow Removal

Snow – it’s beautiful stuff, covering everything in a lovely, picture-postcard white blanket that makes it all cosy and wintery. But it’s also horrible stuff that, once you get outside in it and try to get to work, to the shops or wherever you want to go, makes life very difficult, and results in frayed tempers everywhere. Snowfalls can happen very quickly; you go to sleep one night and, in the morning, your driveway is blocked and your paths too, and the roads are chaos. Of course, we have great weather forecasts now, so we can prepare, but what can we do to remove snow quickly and efficiently?

Let’s have a look at three great tips that will help you clear that snow away in the best possible way:

Get a Good Shovel – or, to be more precise, invest in a couple of good shovels. The thing is, shovels for snow come in a variety of different shapes and sizes, and each has its merits. There’s also the problem of the type of ground you need to clear, which can also influence your shovel. The recommended way to shovel snow away is to use a two-stage method: buy what is known as a ‘pusher’ – this is a wide, flat type of shovel – and clear the snow into piles using this.

Next, use a conventional shovel, or if you have rough ground one of the plastic variety you see around, to lift the snow away and deposit it where it is not in the way. Two people working together can make this cold, wet and uncomfortable job a lot quicker and easier!

Buy a Snow Thrower – it’s always your neighbour who gets one of these first, while you struggle on with your inadequate spade in the freezing cold! Snow Throwers are not expensive, they are very effective, and they can cut the time you need to spend toiling outside on cold winter mornings by a massive amount.

A snow blower works by moving the snow through propulsion; there are many different models offering various levels of performance, and some can move the snow a great distance. This is by far the most efficient way of clearing a drive or path – or even a garden or road – and is one that you will find does make your life a lot easier. If you are in the market for one, you can check out some of the best snow blowers here.

Remember the Roof – snow settles on rooves and is often forgotten about; this can lead to damage as a thick layer of snow can be very heavy and, when it begins to thaw, can lead to further damage, too. You need a good roof rake – one that can reach a long way – to keep all your roof areas cleared of snow on a regular basis.

There’s nothing we can do but accept that snow is going to be a problem, but what we can do is have the tools to be prepared for it, and we hope we have helped with our useful tips.